Finally, here it is. I was thinking to create my blog since a long time and here is the first one after a lot of thinking only :) . I still wander why it took so long, however as someone has said 'Once started, half done', means that the initiative is so important and difficult that it requires half of total effort to perform a task. So, I shouldn't dwell much over it.
Regarding blog's title: I'm very much inspired by the quote by former President of India, Mr. Abdul Kalam, "Dream, dream, dream. Dream transform into thoughts. Thoughts result into action." I dream a lot (not only while sleeping) and believe that repeated dreams train our subconscious mind and we generate regular thoughts about our dreams. These thoughts lead us to perform the necessary actions to achieve our goals, to fulfill our purpose and to be a man of our dreams.
Most of the stuff that I would be talking about here will be technical, a bit spiritual and some other narrating certain nice and adventurous experiences of my life. Life teaches us at every step and this blog will help me keep the record of important lessons that life has in reserve for me. Also, it will be a very nice way to analyze my technical growth starting up as a naive tyro and ending as (god knows :-D).
That's all for this post as it is 3:30 in the morning and I'm feeling sooo much sleepy. My mind's thought process seems getting dimmer and actions stagnant :-P, so I need to recharge my batteries.
Good Night friends.
Rakhee memories of Simla of the Sixties
6 months ago